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Town Planning Advice

Professional Town Planning Advice to Keep Your Project on Track


Are you looking to build a new house, subdivision, or retail outlet?  Before you put your plans in front of the council, town planning advice from PDA Planning can prevent a rejection before you break ground. Our planners will visit the site, review your plans, and suggest any additional assessments you may need to proceed.

Anticipate Council Requirements with a Town Planning Consultant Taree

Are you building on the edge of town and have a large open space to be developed? You may need to complete a bush fire assessment, an ecological impact assessment, or even a traffic study before the plans for the building and lot can be approved. Our expertise can help you get all of it done. Councils love organisation. We are here to provide the support you need to impress.

Conducting Environmental, Traffic, and Social Impact Surveys

Will your new subdivision add a significant number of new units to the city or town? A social impact survey will review how new families will fit into the fabric of the neighbourhood, from demands on town streets to the need for more schools. For a major project, additional improvements may be required such as mixed use, infrastructure, utilities, and environmental abatement. With our services on your side, you will walk into the Council meeting prepared to answer their questions.

Contact PDA Planning and kick start your next development project today. We will schedule an initial meeting where we can discuss the specific services you may require.

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